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    Bounty Bliss Glutathione 3D Glow Skin Micro-Encapsulated Spheres Serum


    Quick Overview

    Bounty Bliss Glutathione 3D Glow Skin Micro-Encapsulated Spheres Serum

    Bounty Bliss Glutathione 3D Glow Skin Micro-Encapsulated Spheres Serum-The skin science that will make you glow and reverse signs of ageing. Infused with the potent antioxidant power of glutathione, this serum deeply nourishes and revitalises your skin, promoting a healthier, more youthful complexion. Experience the magic of 3D glow with every drop. Illuminate your skin's natural beauty and enjoy a newfound confidence in your radiant, flawless skin.


    Bounty Bliss

    Data sheet

    Specific References

    Bounty Bliss Glutathione 3D Glow Skin Micro-Encapsulated Spheres Serum

    Bounty Bliss Glutathione 3D Glow Skin Micro-Encapsulated Spheres Serum-The skin science that will make you glow and reverse signs of ageing. Infused with the potent antioxidant power of glutathione, this serum deeply nourishes and revitalises your skin, promoting a healthier, more youthful complexion. Experience the magic of 3D glow with every drop. Illuminate your skin's natural beauty and enjoy a newfound confidence in your radiant, flawless skin.

    Bounty Bliss Glutathione 3D Glow Skin Micro-Encapsulated Spheres Serum contain glutathione for its potential skin-brightening and antioxidant properties.The term "3D Glow" is likely a marketing descriptor suggesting a multi-dimensional or comprehensive approach to achieving radiant and glowing skin.Micro-encapsulation is a technology where active ingredients are encapsulated in microscopic spheres. Bounty Bliss Glutathione 3D Glow Skin Micro-Encapsulated Spheres Serum help protect the ingredients from degradation and enhance their stability, allowing for controlled release over time. Bounty Bliss Glutathione 3D Glow Skin Micro-Encapsulated Spheres Serum are skincare products with a high concentration of active ingredients designed to penetrate the skin deeply. They are often used to target specific skin concerns.


    Benefits of Bounty Bliss Glutathione 3D Glow Skin Micro-Encapsulated Spheres Serum


    • Antioxidant Properties: Bounty Bliss Glutathione 3D Glow Skin Micro-Encapsulated Spheres Serum is a potent antioxidant that helps neutralise free radicals, which contribute to skin ageing and damage.
    • Skin Brightening: Bounty Bliss Glutathione 3D Glow Skin Micro-Encapsulated Spheres Serum containing glutathione claims to contribute to a brighter and more even skin tone.
    • Stability: Bounty Bliss Glutathione 3D Glow Skin Micro-Encapsulated Spheres Serum enhance the stability of active ingredients, protecting them from environmental factors and ensuring a controlled release over time.
    • Improved Penetration: Bounty Bliss Glutathione 3D Glow Skin Micro-Encapsulated Spheres Serum facilitate better penetration of active ingredients into the skin.
    • High Concentration of Active Ingredients:Bounty Bliss Glutathione 3D Glow Skin Micro-Encapsulated Spheres Serum typically have a higher concentration of active ingredients compared to other skincare products, allowing for targeted treatment of specific skin concerns.


    How to use  Bounty Bliss Glutathione 3D Glow Skin Micro-Encapsulated Spheres Serum

    • Cleanse Your Face: Start with a clean face. Use a gentle cleanser to remove any makeup, dirt, or impurities from your skin.
    • Tone (Optional):Some people choose to use a toner after cleansing to balance the skin's pH. If you have a toner in your routine, apply it now.
    • Apply a Small Amount:Dispense a small amount of the Bounty Bliss Glutathione 3D Glow Skin Micro-Encapsulated Spheres Serum onto your fingertips. Bounty Bliss Glutathione 3D Glow Skin Micro-Encapsulated Spheres Serum are usually potent, so a little goes a long way.
    • Dot or Spread:Gently dot the Bounty Bliss Glutathione 3D Glow Skin Micro-Encapsulated Spheres Serum on different areas of your face (forehead, cheeks, nose, and chin) or spread it evenly across your face. Avoid the eye area if the product instructions specify.
    • Massage and Pat:Use gentle upward and outward motions to massage the Bounty Bliss Glutathione 3D Glow Skin Micro-Encapsulated Spheres Serum into your skin. Pay attention to areas where you want to target specific concerns.
    • Allow Absorption:Allow the Bounty Bliss Glutathione 3D Glow Skin Micro-Encapsulated Spheres Serum to absorb into your skin. This takes a few minutes.